Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Ever been at that place where you start to believe all the bad things people say about you? That maybe you are that horrible. Maybe you are fake. Maybe you only care about yourself. Maybe you are worthless. Maybe everyone would be better without you. Maybe....

If you're there I know how you feel, I so know how you feel.

All the bad things people say about us can really have an affect on us, even if they aren't true and we know it....well, especially if they aren't true. What people think about us often times really influences what we think about ourselves. We care about the opinions of other people and so many times we will try and change who we are to make others happy. Why do we do this? We want to be liked, loved, accepted and wanted. Every human craves those things and we search for them among other people when really where we should be looking is to Jesus.

I recently watched a show and they said something that really struck me -

"God made us and when we know what He thinks of us and how He sees us it doesn't matter what anyone else says."

Do you know what God thinks of you? He thinks you're beautiful, precious, a priceless treasure worth more than life.

But sometimes still with the knowledge of what God thinks about us, we find ourselves falling back into the trap of letting what others think about us affect what we think about us. That's when we really need to remember that the only opinion that matters is God's. He loves you for you. Not for what others say you are, but for what He knows you are.  He loves you no matter what.


  1. Good job Sara! I agree, we (as humans) tend to want the approval ratings of humans above God many times, but in reality, God's opinion is really what will inspire us to be come great!

  2. I wish it was as simple as remembering what God thinks about me. But it's not. At least not for me it's not that easy. When you grow up hearing so much negative stuff (you're not good enough, you're too fat, no one will love you unless you lose weight, you can't do that you're not smart enough, you'll never amount to anything...I could go on and on and on) it becomes ingrained in your brain and you grow up believing it. I've been a Christian since 2005 and I still struggle with believing everything everyone has ever said about me. It's hard to break out of the cycle of believing all the bad things when that's been the only 'truth' I knew/know for so long. And I really struggle with self-hatred, low self-esteem, and doubting that God really does love me for ME...faults and all. No one else has ever loved me unconditionally so it's hard to grasp the concept that God can and does.

    ...if any of that makes sense...

  3. Tishia - It is a struggle. Everyday things are brought back into your face. Something triggers a memory, a moment, something someone said to you over and over, and you find yourself right back into that same pit of letting others determine to you your self worth.

    Hitler said (I know what a reference to use), "If you tell a lie long and loud enough, people will eventually start to believe it" - and you have been told lies about yourself loudly and for a very long time and you have started to believe them. But all the while when those lies were being told to you, God was whispering "I love you. I want you. You're beautiful. You can succeed." It's hard to hear the whisper above the scream.

    I'll pray for you. You'll get there, I know you will.
