Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The list.....badababummm!

Hola! Today I started my day with a list. Probably your usual kind of list. It has things like do dishes, clean up, organize crafts, exercise and so on. But there is one other thing on that list that is the most important, but it's the one I seem to have the hardest time doing - read Bible and pray. Man. Is it horrible that I have to put that on a list? I love God and I want to spend time with Him and learning about Him, but somehow He's the one who always gets at the bottom of the list. 

See, reading my Bible and praying wasn't always something I've struggled with, but now it seems it's more of a struggle, a fight. I'm reminded of what Brother Paul wrote in I Timothy 6:12 "Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called, and you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses." So is part of the good fight of faith reading the Bible and praying? Yes! I believe so. There are so many things clamoring for my attention, that I have to "fight the good fight" and choose what side will win.

Just because we are Christian doesn't mean that things come naturally to us. It really is a fight. We are constantly bombarded with other things that are striving to take up all our time and effort. Cleaning the house, making dinner, work, spending time with family ect. All of those things are very important, yes. But if the house isn't spotless will that affect your eternity? I mean, what is more important - spotless house or your relationship with God? Too often we let these things, and sometimes we even let people, take precedence over our Creator and that is where the real fight is. 

Now I'm not saying that we should be reading the Bible 24/7 and ignore our responsibilities and never do anything else. No. We have things that we must do on this earth and I believe God has called us to be faithful in all things. What I am saying is if you really want something, you will make time for it. So do you want, do I want, a better relationship with God? Do I want to obey His word and commands? Then I can, and must, make time for Him and make Him my number one priority and when He is number one all other things will fall into place. The house will get cleaned, the jobs done, time spent with the family. God has a way of making time seem to stretch when we put Him first. And you know, if our relationship with God isn't good, our relationship with others wont be either.

So today my number one goal is to spend time with my God. Even if the dishes keep being piled up, the floors unvacuumed and dinner late, God is my goal. Today I WILL fight the good fight, and I will be victorious!

So today I hope you put God first above all other things, because He has put you first. ♥